
Infinite Transformation, 2019

frame by frame animation

I created this animation in the context of my Time class where we were learning how to use time-based media. It is only the second project I have done with animation, but I had a lot of fun with it. Since the project was supposed to be very abstract, we had a lot of creative freedom. The goal was not to draw anything in particular, but rather to let the lines we haphazardly drew guide us towards the next line, eventually creating a series of images. In the end, the storyline that emerged is whimsical and random. There is an interesting tension to note between logic and absurdity: technically speaking, it is logical that the lines flow from one to the other the way they do because that is how I drew them, but the narrative itself remains illogical. I mean, who knew that a steak could become waves, a shoe could become a face and a pancake could become mountains? Anything is possible, I suppose.