plant with pot and oats trial 3.jpeg

Still Life (plant), 2018

colored paper, magazine paper, oats, and pencil on paper

I wanted to have a little fun with what started off as a simple observational drawing. I was drawn to the thick and almost voluptuous curves of each “leaf” in this plant - and also the way some hang nonchalantly, some jut out to the side, or, conversely, how some proudly stand tall - but then I thought it might be interesting to contrast them with a more graphic look. I thus used different colored papers, cut them to size and placed them on top of some of the leaves. Not only does this add color and a whimsical look, it also adds texture. This play with texture is furthered by the addition of real oats in the place of the “soil”, an allusion to my other project entitled “Oats” in which I photograph a series of a homemade oatmeal bowls that have different textures and colors. I actually used one of those photographs to create the pot in this drawing, because I wanted to represent the reference the brown of the soil in a different and unusual way.