timeless - pic with light.jpg

Timeless, 2018

ink and paint on glass

This piece is a portrait of Beyonce, one of my idols and, in my opinion, one of the greatest creatives alive. I wanted to portray the image of the queen, not as some pompous royal monarch - usually depicted with an ostentatious posture and an abundance of accessories - but as a woman who exudes strength, courage, and confidence, my definition of a “queen”.

While the concept of queen invites many interpretations, I think of a queen as a woman who is authentic and real, born out of an organic dynamic. I chose this particular image of Beyonce for its simplicity and symbolism, as well as for its mysterious air that draws the viewer in. Her face is partially hidden by her hat, letting the viewer imagine the intensity her face.

Here, I once again focused on a palette of pinks, reds, and oranges for the background to soften the figure and echo the idea of power. These warm colors work in combination with light blues and tints of purple to highlight the subject and focus the viewer’s attention on her.