Yummy Yogurt Waffles :)

Hello! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here but I’m back :) I was enjoying my summer travels and being in Chicago. The weather has been amazing. As I have just moved in to my college dorm (I know time flies! I still can’t believe it) I am getting all nostalgic and reminiscing on sweet memories I shared with my family. One of them includes these yogurt waffles that I used to make on weekends for my dad. He absolutely adores them! And earlier this summer, sort of out of nowhere he asked me to make them again after a long hiatus.

As we pulled out our college sized (see what I did there?) mini waffle iron (we lost our other one in the moving process…. don’t ask how) I was reminded of the countless moments shared with family over a yummy weekend brunch. Suddenly, I became bittersweet. I am now in college and thus on my own - or rather away from everything that is familiar to me - my family, my friends, my city, my home. Luckily though, thanks to the web and platforms like these I can always be comforted when home feels far away.

I hope that with these waffles I can infuse a little bit of sweetness in your life! We all need those moments to pause the stresses and chaos in our life, and give ourselves time to cook something yummy. Like these waffles :)) Bonus! These give off the most delicious aroma :) and scent is proven to help evoke and bring back nice memories. So in the spirit of nostalgia and savoring sweet moments - and also in honor of my dad whose favorite waffle recipe is this one - I present to you these yummy yogurt waffles.

PS. Sorry I don’t have a picture for you right now! Seeing as I don’t have a waffle iron right now and terrible lighting in my dorm kitchen, I am not able to take one! But be on the lookout in the future :) In the meantime I have put up a picture of another waffle recipe just to keep you salivating ;)

These are made special thanks to yogurt AND buttermilk which give them a slight tang and moistness that is weirdly satisfying. You will want to have many of these. Be ready.

The base recipe hails from the blog Passion for Baking (which is full of amazing yummy sweets!). View the link here for the original. I just tweaked a few things to make it mine.


  • 2 1/4 cup (290 g) flour

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 100 g sugar

  • 1 egg

  • 3 tbsp + 1 tsp (50 ml) neutral oil

  • 1 cup + 1 tbsp (250 ml) plain yogurt (I’ve used both Greek and European style yogurt which is more liquid and both work great)

  • 1 1/4 cup (300 ml) buttermilk (if you do not have buttermilk, replace with the same amount of milk mixed with 1 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar that you let sit for a few minutes)

  • 1 1/4 cup (300 ml) milk

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract


  • Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.

  • In a measuring cup, jug or bowl, stir wet ingredients. Add to dry ingredients and mix. A few lumps are ok (don’t overmix!).

  • Heat waffle according to the package instructions. Once it’s hot, grease the pan and pour in batter. Close and let cook.

  • I like to serve these warm out of the waffle iron with fresh fruit and nut butter! Since there is suhar in the batter, I don’t find I need to add sweetener, I like to eat them plane! But feel free to add maple syrup, honey, agave, etc.

  • You could also add granola or cacao nibs for crunch!

  • Enhoy :)