Blueberry Yogurt Overnight Oats

I know yoga is supposed to be a moment to clear your mind, concentrate, and focus your breath, but for me there are times when that just doesn't work. And since I believe in making things work for you — whether that means modifying the practice, doing it at a different time because it suits you better, or simply following your own flow — I am ok with not getting so deep in the whole zen-ness. And that doesn’t mean that I never fully embrace that aspect. I simply adapt as I need. For instance, when I do yoga in the morning my mind is often wandering. I think about the day ahead, I think about the dream I had that night, or I ask myself how I feel. In trying to connect with those feelings and thoughts, I often get new thoughts ; new questions, new observations, new things to do (it seems like I always have something to add to my to do list).
For a while, I was bothered by this. Why can’t I just concentrate? Why is my mind all over the place? I felt frustrated. However, as I continued to think (hehe), I realized that this isn’t something I should try to fight. I will always be thinking. That’s what minds do. They think, they jump from one thought to another, they plan things out. So instead, I decided to fully embrace the moment : me on my mat with my meandering mind. I cherish it, I laugh about it. Yes, I am doing yoga, but I am also letting my thoughts be and go where they please. Then, I observe what comes up.

PS : I've decided to name these particular thoughts my yoga thoughts. Fitting, no?

What comes up can be about many different things, but often, it’s food related. Specifically breakfast related. Which is where this recipe comes in. As I am sun salutating, down-dogging, or child-posing, I often conjure up recipe ideas or combinations to try for lunch. I guess doing yoga is a good way to get your creativity going :) In any case, it’s a fun time and one I cherish very much. I came up with this very simple (can I say classic?) combo for blueberry and yogurt in oatmeal form. I love adding yogurt in my oats as it brings creaminess as well as a nice tang for nuance of flavor. And, as with all my oats, I like to make sure there’s a nice balance of texture : chewyness, crunch, creaminess/smoothness, and bite ;) Lastly, this is an overnight oats, so it’s great for the summertime!! I hope you like this recipe and it suits your liking. Down dog and eat some oats!!


  • 1/2 cup rolled oats

  • hefty pinch sea salt (around 1/4 tsp)

  • 1 tsp chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp frozen blueberries

  • 2 tsp cacao nibs

  • raisins (however much you want, I put a little less than a 1 tbsp)

  • 3 tbsp plain Greek yogurt

  • 1/2 tsp honey (or more if you like it sweeter!)

  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp almond milk

  • anything you want to top it off! I like peanut butter, extra cacao nibs, and raisins but you do you


  • In a bowl or mason jar (if you want to take it on the go!), mix the oats, salt, chia seeds, blueberries, cacao nibs (or chocolate), and raisins.

  • Add the yogurt and honey and begin to stir it up (since the yogurt can be thick it won’t completely mix together, but try to get it partly incorporated so that it’s easier when you add the liquid).

  • Start by adding 1/4 cup of the almond milk and mix it well. Add the rest and adjust according to your liking (more or less thick). Keep it mind that yogurt brings in moisture so that’s why I use less liquid. Make sure everything is well incorporated.

  • Cover and store in the fridge for up to 1 week!

  • When you’re ready to eat, top it with your fave toppings and enjoy!


  • I used frozen wild blueberries which are much smaller than normal blueberries, so be careful if you use the latter as they distribute less evenly in the oats.

  • You could replace the nibs with chopped dark chocolate ; I’ve tried it and it’s really good! When I did that, I also omitted the honey cause chocolate is slightly sweet :)

  • You can use another type of liquid like water, oat milk, or regular milk.

  • I used Greek yogurt when creating the recipe, so keep that in mind if you use another type of yogurt.