
A curious dust turned delicious bowl of porridge.

Helllooo! So I know it’s technically spring, so hot-oatmeal days are soon to be over :( BUT seeing as it’s still a little chilly here (I live in Chicago, where you are never guaranteed warm weather. It sometimes snows in April. Yes, April), I thought I’d still share another creation of mine : the almond & oat flour porridge.

It’s yummy, it’s comforting, it’s filling, it’s slightly different. It’s basically ME in a bowl. For real, it has all my favorite ingredients. Let me take you back to when I first came up with this combo.

Back then, I didn’t realize that it was just oat flour. I was simply fascinated by this peculiar beige-colored dust leftover from my baking. I can’t remember exactly what I had been making, but it involved blitzing up oats in a food processor then adding almond flour (or almond meal). For some reason, I had made too much of the mixture, so there was some leftover. What should I do with it? I thought. I was sure as hell not going to throw it away. It was just oats and almonds. So I decided to cook the mix, like I would oats.

Into the pan it went, followed by some almond milk. My face twisted and frowned as I hovered over the stove, watching the little bubbles rise to the top. I was curious. How would it taste?

Well, the result was divine. Creamy. Unctuous. Delicious. It had this incredible texture : the oat flour turned almost creamy when cooked with liquid, but the graininess of the almond meal lent it that palatable appeal. And that’s without talking about the FLAVOR. Almonds + oats = fantastic. So that is how this recipe was born. A leftover. But now it’s one of those I turn to when I need some comfort. This bowl literally screams cozy. It doesn’t have the prettiest appearance - because of the one-dimensional color - but WHO CARES? When you have something this good and nourishing, the looks are the least of my worries ;)

I love to serve it with almond butter and dark chocolate. Specifically those two. The almond butter obviously echoes the ground almonds in the porridge, while also lending it that super creamy stick-to-your-palate type of mouthfeel (which I looveee ;) I know almond butter can be quite controversial as some consider it too overpowering, but I find it irresistible here. I’ve actually never tried it with another nut butter, so if anyone does can you let me know? Ok cool, thanks. Now back to the accoutrements. The dark chocolate, as it melts and oozes, adds dimension to the oats which can otherwise be bland. Its bitterness also contrasts with the strong flavor of almonds. Lastly, I love to add cacao nibs - yes more chocolate. The nibs not only add more bitterness (depending on how much you add), but they also contribute a great crunch. Texture, ya’ll. It’s all about texture :)

One thing I will say is, be prepared to feel full. But in a good way. This oatmeal is full of healthy fats, antioxidants (if you add the chocolate ;) fiber and slow releasing carbs! also a nice amount of protein :) It nourishes both my body and soul (cheesy I know, but it’s the truth). The sticky, gloppy oats with the creamy almond butter, the bite of the cacao nibs and the smoothness of the chocolate is pure bliss. Even better with a steaming mug of tea and a good book or magazine.

Here's the recipe!


  • 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp of oat four (or oats blended in a food processor)

  • 2 tbsp almond meal/flour

  • a pinch of salt (preferably flaky)

  • 2 tsp flaxseed meal (this is optional but gives a nice tang)

  • water or milk (I use a bit of water and a bit of almond milk)

  • dark chocolate, however much you desire

  • almond butter

  • cacao nibs

  • other optional toppings or mix-ins : banana, dried fruit, chia seeds


  • In a pan, add oat flour, almond flour and salt and stir together. Turn the heat on low/medium and add in water. I don’t have exact measurements for this because i add and adjust as I go. Start with a small amount, probably just enough to hydrate the mixture (remember you can always add liquid to make it more creamy, but it’s hard to omit).

  • Cook until the mixture has absorbed all the liquid and it’s getting creamy. Usually, this takes very little time, so if it’s looking too dry, add liquid in splashes (yes, this is not an exact science). The end result should be creamy and kind of “gloppy” if that makes sense.

  • Next, layer the almond butter and chocolate in between layers of the oats, so that the two melt and get all oozy. Add about half the mixture of oats into a bowl, top with almond butter and chocolate then layer over remaining oats. Add more chocolate and almond butter, then add cacao nibs !

  • Tuck into a yummy bowl of oats :)