Airplane Poem - first of a series

Ever since I began to journal daily and write more frequently, I started enjoying plane rides more because I discovered their opportunity for self reflection and creation. I realized I could use this idle time to simply observe and write. And thus was born this idea to write a series of “airplane” poems - that is, poems that I write on plane rides thousands of feet above land, floating in the sky. For this particular poem, I was sitting by the window seat - something that rarely happens because I do not typically enjoy the window seat - so I decided to embrace it instead of pouting.

I look to my right:

blankets of snow -

oh no, wait, 

they’re Clouds

Puffs of white smoke

Cotton candy 

My belly drops as we float


I imagine a rollercoaster & suddenly

the stress 


Like the clouds themselves

I am struck. 

My eyes swell as my heart fills. 

From below, they appear as streaks of white in a 

blue sky

From above, they are like mountains of fluff

From within, they are haze

Hazy like my thoughts. 

Opaque, transparent, fading

Blotches, streaks, undulations

I am struck. 


The sea looks like a painting

greasy oil leaves undulating marks on the canvas.


Light reflecting off the grooves.

The sky melds into the sea

I don’t know which is which except

for the peach colored sun

It’s abstract - shades & straight lines

I’m confused

and awed.

I want to jump

Can I?

I just want to be surrounded by nature - no, engulfed by it.

The vastness, the silence, the purity.

It doesn’t scare me anymore.

Can I?



Soon we cross over land

So dull, so grey

So dirty

Take me back.

Where is nature; where did she go?

I look down again. 

It's a miniature model:

monopoly houses; dry, brittle trees

cars that look like ants

Millions of them

There are so many





The occasional bush

But really where is she?

Being in the sky is like being in between.

The threshold between two worlds.

The two touch but do not meet. 


I think

I close my eyes

and drift away.