a new series: corona reflections & poems

well, this is a weird moment.

i haven’t posted on here in a while, but i’m back. these uncertain times have motivated me to write. a lot. i’ve been writing constantly - in my journal, on my phone, in my head. now more than ever is the time to look inward. to reflect, to ponder, to question. but it is also a time in which we need to maintain connection, even if we cannot physically do so. that is why i want to start sharing on here again.

we need space to release our thoughts, let go of anxieties and worries. clean out our cluttered minds. we need space to experiment, explore, be creative & this is what this platform is! at least for me. but i am hoping it can be for you too.

in light of what has happened and what is unfolding, i thought it fitting to begin a mini series of poems and reflections precisely on the events concerning the virus. as i said, this unfortunate situation has given me much time to reflect and return to my inner self in search of peace and clarity. throughout, many thoughts and observations have inundated my mind. it is now overflowing; i need to release them. hopefully, by sharing these, someone out there can relate and feel seen too. or simply feel inspired. at this point, anything, even the small things, are so valuable.

rejoice in the solitude. the confinement. the possibilities. it won’t last and soon enough we’ll be craving some more.

i hope everyone is safe and well. sending much love. and don’t forget to treat yourself to self-reflection, a mug of tea, or some chocolate :)

here’s the first pieces of many to come.

Bursts of inspiration

It's funny when inspiration hits you.

When you least expect it 

It’s usually in those in-between moments, 

Those elusive transient moments, 

Those moments of


Odes to a simple life.

Waiting for your doctor’s appointment, 

Anxiously, nervously 

(the frustration growing when really you should be grateful that you can go to the doctor)

Suddenly you find yourself writing profusely

Where did this come from? 

Sometimes I feel like inspiration strikes the hardest in the most unpleasant moments, 

As if it were precisely that unpleasantness and discomfort that inspiration necessitates/that is necessary for inspiration

Born out of anxiety 

When i think about it

A lot of things are born out of anxiety

And fear




