Lists & Similarities.

Lists. I write them everyday. For everything. Some may call this habit an obsession. I call it organization. Ok, no I'm kidding but seriously lists seem to be the only thing that keeps me feeling organized and stable. Maybe it's a bad coping mechanism, but I can't help it. It reassures me to write things down.

I touched a little bit upon this on my previous post, but I thought about it again when my yoga teacher admitted she, too, wrote lists, and loved them. She explained the satisfaction she received from crossing things OFF the list. SAME, I thought, SAME. And then she said that she would sometimes do something, and if it wasn't on her list, she would add it to the list, to then just cross it off. I do that too!! And the I thought well, aren't we more similar than we think? Aren't we all just trying to navigate life in whatever way we think is best? I know I am. And yes I’m not quite an “adult” yet (or whatever that entails), but I still have my struggles. Like we all do, no?

I always thought that I was so weird for doing something like that, with the lists. But looks like I'm not alone :) we're never alone. We just need to open up and talk to each other. To connect. To bond. To relate. Doesn’t it just feel better to do that?

Let me know your thoughts ;)