Sticky notes & Thoughts.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or unsettled, with an urge to write something down? I definitely do. You too? Great. When I’m afraid that I will forget something, the only thing that seems to quell this fear is putting pen to paper. Writing lists, reminders. Or reaching for my journal and writing everything that’s on my mind. This happens quite frequently for me, and I attribute it, partly, to the fact that my mind is always in motion. Always working, thinking, questioning. In perpetual effervescence. It can’t ever seem to stop.

If anyone else feels this way, please share. What calms you down?

One thing that helps with all my reminders and lists are Post it notes*. They always save the day. They’re so practical & versatile. Perfect for making lists and writing stuff down, they’re what I use on those nights my mind decides to wake me up when I would like to be asleep. They act as a support system for my brain. Ready to absorb my self questionings, self reflections. Luckily, they’re as ubiquitous as the thoughts they hold. And unlike a regular piece of paper, they have a sticky edge. That insurance, that security, that whatever you write down will not float away. It will be stuck. Sticky.

It’s funny how my mind works. Just having that adhesive edge provides me with such reassurance. Who knew something so plain and mundane as post it notes could be used as a tool for self preservation?

Anyways, I just wanted to share this thought. Have a good day :)

*(No, I’m not trying to promote the brand).